Sweep the room, clear the dust, and wipe away everything old. Thoughts become stale and tend to hang around long after they are obsolete. It takes a deliberate act of hunting down the leftovers to realize that you are breathing in more than just the fresh air you’re going for. Check the cushions for loose change, you’ve surely dropped a gem here or there along the way. You don’t need to keep a spotless mind, you don’t need a sterile workspace. You need a home that responds to clutter with open arms and cleverly showcases its imperfections, as if they were subjects of envy. You need to treat that place like a garden or a forest, using and consuming the fruits and the wood, constantly tending to its health and happiness, and never overworking in the name of maximizing gain. Don’t spend your would-be restful hours panicked at the growing state of entropy; this is exactly how things should be. You’ll know when it’s time to sweep the room.